Since 2006

SEO Agency Services in Calgary

15 years in business and 100’s of campaigns has lead us to a dialled-in and reliable system. We concentrate on growth, collaboration, and transparency. Give us a call and see if we’re a fit to begin growing your organic traffic.

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Our SEO Services in Calgary

Where we usually get started for SEO projects in the GTA or elsewhere.


Client Priorities

Competitive research
Align client goals with strategy
Keyword research
Collaborate on prioritization
Link + PR research
Use internal staff and established partners where possible
Content research
Reporting that speaks to the mission of the project

On-Page Optimization

Appeasing our robot overlords (Google).

Techncial SEO

Content SEO

Proactively finding opportunity in 90+ areas in the code
Continual A/B testing
Communicating all found technical improvements
Conversion rates by creative testing
Operationalizing fixes and improvements
Local messaging optimization
Keeping track of improvements and progress
Extension testing
Dedicated frequent bid optimization
Content writing

Off-Page SEO

Finding opportunities off of the site (Google really cares about this).

PR + Links

Local Signals

Competitive link research
Google My Business optimization
Link strategy and implementation
Citation building
PR campaigns
Citation corrections
Broken link tracking
Review strategy

SEO Campaigns

Most of our clients need results. That means kicking off a campaign that is geared towards leads or e-commerce revenue by way of organic rankings.


Technical SEO

We love code. There are about 90 things to examine when trying to improve a site's technical SEO, but here's a here's a few common things we look at right away.

  • Site speed
  • Tags
  • Errors

Content SEO

We will examine the competition's content and see what's required in order to rank your website higher for important keywords. We can either help you generate the content (writing, graphics, videos, documents) or you can craft these resources in-house.

What's on your page matters. The amount of content, its quality, and how it is formatted are all factors that Google will use to evaluate how your site ranks.

Get in Touch

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